In my jewellery I express how I experience the outside world. I am fascinated
by the surroundings I find myself in and what these surroundings invoke in me:
paradoxical feelings of freedom, security and imminent danger.
A walk in the woods, for example, invokes a feeling of freedom, yet the woods also
make me feel slightly ill at ease: there always seems to be lurking something in
the shadows.
With the sea I also maintain a paradoxical relationship. There is space and unfamiliar life, which I find both fascinating and frightening because of its incomprehensible infinity.
My work is wearable, which allows it to offer security or protection from that which is so intangible and yet so impressive: the surroundings in which you find yourself.
In my jewellery I combine non-precious and precious materials. The creation process of my work is lengthy; it takes me many days, if not weeks, to complete a piece of jewellery. I work in an organic manner and combine unusual and unique materials. The result is tactile and wearable light-weight jewellery. Recognize the original materials in my jewellery may require a second or even a third close look.
My work echoes the sea, contemporary and striking. Each piece is handmade and unique.
Linda van de Cappelle (Ezerman)
My work is for sale at!
Gallery FROOTS,
909 Tianyaoqiao Road, Xuhui, Shanghai, China
De Sluistuinen
Oude Helderseweg 85B
1817 BJ Alkmaar NL
Mix Art Gallery
Grote Hulzen 11, 1505 RH Zaandam
Please feel free to ask me for more information and/or prices by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]